The Prominence of Varicose Veins in Women

The Prominence of Varicose Veins in Women

Varicose veins, commonly referred to as spider veins, are a very common issue that people across the globe deal with on a daily basis. There are many factors that affect your chances of developing varicose veins, such as your gender.

A disproportionate amount of women suffer from varicose veins. On average, women are three times more likely to develop varicose veins at some point in their lives than men are. In fact, roughly half of the females in America suffer from varicose veins. This high rate is due to the changes hormones create in the body during puberty, pregnancy, and menopause.

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Sclerotherapy is a treatment that eliminates varicose veins through a simple and minimally invasive process. Contact KP Aesthetics to schedule a consultation and see what we can do to help treat your varicose veins.

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